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My Goal

In a relaxing and welcoming environment I will use my knowledge in alternative medicine to help you with many of your ailments such as; headaches and migraines, stiff muscles, sciatica, joint pain and inflammation, anxiety/depression, insomnia and many more. To do this I will be using the alternative medicine practices of Acupuncture, Reiki, Massage and Cupping therapy. 

Kanesha Meyers

My name is Kanesha Meyers but most people in my community know me as Keesha, and I run a home based Acupuncture and holistic medicine practice. My primary treatments I offer are acupuncture and/or Fire Cupping of which I studied for 3 years at a Traditional Chinese medicine School in Calgary and graduated in 2017 to open my business in Big River the same year. I have been a Reiki Practitioner since 2009 and a Master since 2017 and love to incorporate Reiki sessions into my healing practice when applicable.

Outside of my services Crystals have always been a passion of mine and something that I often gravitated to for my own self healing. So backed with my passion, my research and courses over the years, I have also expanded my business to include the sale of Healing Crystals as well as the making of Crystal Pendants (i hope to expand past pendants...someday).

As for my not work life I am a busy mom of 5 year old twin boys who keep me on my toes each and every day but I wouldn't have it any other way. Any free time I get is generally spent making more crystal pendants because as much as it has become part of my business I truly love working/creating with crystals.

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